Organic is here to stay!

The idea that organic was going to be a fad has been set straight. Not only is organic here to stay, but the category has been growing steadily over the past few years, posting new records in 2015. It turns out that organic is the fastest growing sector of the US food industry accounting for more than $39 billion of the total organic sales in 2015. Further, it is projected that the category will continue to grow at least another 14% through 2018.

Much like the trend for clean label, consumers have largely found a dedication to the newest trend of Organic products. This places a large responsibility on the bakeries themselves to become Organic Certified. So far, the supply has not kept up with demand, so now is the time to tap into the needs of the consumer. This shift in consumer interest has created new opportunity for those in the baking industry. For this reason, as the demand for Organic grows, so does our list of certified products.

J&K Ingredients is dedicated to developing a line of Organic Products. Currently, this line consists of Organic Bred-Mate FL and Organic Verdi 51, our organic dough conditioner. With their certification comes the guarantee that these products were developed without the use of genetic engineering, chemical processing or materials like pesticides or fertilizers. Consumers find comfort in the idea that they’re fully aware of what is in their food, and the organic certification provides this assurance. This is why we have made this trend a priority at J&K.

For more information on how you can get your hands on our certified organic ingredients, contact our sales team today!

Feel free to email us at or call us at 973-340-8700.

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